Orientation day 1


First day of orientation today.My class is MS0702.Actually there are only two classes taking media studies.Total got 50++ students.My class consists of 24 people including me.16 girls and 8 boys.First few hours consists of talks, doing of cheers and there's this performance by a band of SBM named peanut butter jelly.The 2 singers really did sing well.Then we had lunch and then a tour around the sch.We went to the block where we will be having lessons.Then got tour the library also.Then is mass dance before library tour.The dance is like lame la.Then, we went to one corner of the sch to discuss class cheer.After that we went to some other place to play ice breaker games...Then debrief and then go home.The OGLs promised us that tmr will be a fun day compared to today.Hope that what they say is true.

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