So tomorrow's the very first paper.


I have not started studying yet!!!


Good luck to me huh...

Oh well, exams starting tomorrow and only end next Thursday.

I have 4 papers to take...

So, i shall not be blogging from tomorrow onwards till the end of the exams...

I have high hopes of raising my GPA to at least 3.2 this semester.

I am tired of having 3.07 or 3.08...

Must raise to at least 3.2 this time round...

Then slowly raise to 3.5 and then higher...


But firstly, i must strive for it la...

Not like i say i want then have le...

Okay, shall end here and go mug for the paper tomorrow le...

Lucky the paper start at 4pm tomorrow, still got alot of time to mug. XD


Wish me luck~~

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